What makes a good name?
It needs to be short, memorable, unambiguous and available to register as a dot com.
How important is a company name?
It is an incredibly important pay-once revenue multiplier. Get it right and you’re almost guaranteed to be a success.
Why can’t I do this myself?
You can of course. However the hundreds to thousands of hours it may take you might be better served in lieu of employing us to significantly expedite your search.
What if I don’t like any of the names?
We take great care to ensure your requirements are identified during the Briefing Stage which means that the results generated will be in keeping with your needs.
Results are of course always subjective. You should however trust a firm that has successfully named many thriving brands.
Do you pre-registrations?
A pre-registration would when we defensively register available domains ahead of presenting them to our client. We do not perform this service as ethically this is not ideal as it reduces the stock of available names to other companies. Instead we would urge decisive and immediate action by the client.
Do you name other things?
Whilst we specialise in naming companies we have been asked to apply our specialist knowledge to everything from boats to babies!
Do you offer trademark and other legal services?
We partner with a number of firms in various jurisdictions who can help with your needs.
What do you think of the new TLD domain extensions?
There are now over 1500 different domain name extensions. We however only work with .com as
We want to be called X, why can’t we be called something like GetX.com
We would strongly advise against it. What is to stop the owner of X.com providing a similar product or service to yours? In addition many Venture capitalist firms will consider this a form of “IP debt” as at some point X.com will need to be purchased and this may be a considerable amount.
Do you rename things as well as name them?
Our systems can work equally well for renaming projects though of course we would recommend renaming takes places sooner rather than later.
Can you help us get a name someone else has registered?
We sometimes approach existing domain owners to help negotiate domain purchase whilst keeping the client remain anonymous in addition to using escrow services. Please contact us for more details.
Do you give talks on naming companies?
Depending on the event we are most happy to. Please contact us for more details.
Why are you so cheap / expensive?
Either way we think you’re find the results priceless.